Open Bowling
Rates & Hours
We keep this information up to date based on our leagues, reservations, team practices, and other events. All hourly pricing includes unlimited bowling for the time purchased. Any increment of 15 minutes may be purchased with the cost reflecting the portion of the entire hourly cost (i.e. 15 minutes is 1/4 of the hourly cost). Bowling shoes are required for everyone bowling!
Open bowling fills up quickly, we strongly suggest being here when open bowling first begins to get a lane!
We do not take same day reservations for lanes
As a company policy we do not tell callers how many lanes are open due to rapidly changing lane availability during our open bowling hours. The data showing the number of lanes available is updated every few minutes.
View the live scores!
Open Bowling
If you see the 'Bowl With Us!' button you can sign up your group to bowl - even if there isn't a wait currently!
3:30 pm - 10:00 pm
$24.99 Per Hour Per Lane
Shoe Rental $3.59
There is currently 1 lane open as of 7:57 pm on, 1/17/2025
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
$24.99 Per Hour Per Lane
Shoe Rental $3.59
No Open Bowling
No Open Bowling
No Open Bowling
No Open Bowling
No Open Bowling
Waiting Lists
These hours only reflect times when we have open bowling available -- we have multiple leagues and events that take place outside of these hours!